“Hello, I’m Miranda. I’m passionate, in love with GOD, nature and all its beauty. My desire is to create a space for joy and encouragement “

Why I Decided To Start A Blog

( My Story)

I never knew what I wanted to do growing up, just what kind of life I wanted to live — Close to nature, self-sufficient. Radiantly glowing from within while bringing joy and encouragement to others.https://medium.com/@raydiantlady/why-i-decided-to-start-a-blog-heres-my-story-7ee934bcd81e

Sit Still

I’m grateful so grateful. Its when I decided to sit still that I realized I’m grateful.

All the hustle and bustle of the week, even social media takes away from being present and grateful.


Mourning What Cannot Be

In life I find that I mourn frequently. I’m not necessarily mourning only for family or friends that have passed on, but I’m mourning for the things that could have been.https://medium.com/@raydiantlady/mourning-what-cannot-be-41a8765ca654

My Store