Author: raydiantlady

Too Emotional Too Vulnerable

Feb 22, 2023 It is not about why the conversation is being had. It’s not even about what the conversation is about. It is about the fact that I was trying to speak, to tell the story and express myself . Whether I said something you didn’t agree with, or you said something I didn’t […]

Oh The River

Feb 24, 2023 Oh the river, powerful yet gentle Oh the river, how I enjoy the more than words can express As I drive by the river, I’m reminded how I always enjoy going to places with a river to just sit, think, and soak up the sound. Sit, think and enjoy the view. Sit, […]

No Rest

· Feb 18, 2023 I didn’t get to rest today, not physically, not mentally and not emotionally. I didn’t get to rest today, but I guess being a blessing to someone is more important sometimes. I didn’t get to rest today, but I got to appreciate the beautiful sun and its warmth. I go to […]

Just Keep Moving

Feb 17, 2023 It’s been a rough week. Not really really rough but a week that had my mind racing. Racing with anxiety about the future. But I’m comforting myself saying it’s okay. Take a deep breath and take your time. Just keep moving forward with focus. You have a plan so don’t get distracted […]

I don’t know what to ask

Feb 3, 2023 Sometimes I just don’t know what to do. Sometimes I just don’t know how to ask for help. Sometimes I just don’t know what I need. Sometimes I want to run away from miscommunication. I get so mad at myself or just feel overwhelmed but honestly this is all good. Miscommunication is […]

Struggling To Write

· Feb 5, 2023 I struggle with being inspired enough to write I struggle with feeling like I have be inspired first I struggle with whether I should post what I write. I struggle with thoughts of not sharing my feelings in writing. I struggle but all the same I’ll write. I guess I was […]

Daily Walks are the Highlight

The highlight of my days are always my daily walks. Now that it’s cold, I only walk for half the time or sometimes none at all. But it’s always the highlight when I do go. Something I look forward to. I love the blue clear skies I love the sometimes white fluffy clouds Looking up cause […]

Am I done Blogging ?

Feb 28, 2023 It’s the final day of the blogging challenge for February and although I’m a bit relieved I’m also a bit sad. It has taken me by surprise how much I have enjoyed this challenge . Maybe I enjoyed it because I had something to look forward to each day. Maybe I enjoyed it […]

Deal Breaker

· Feb 27, 2023 Why is it that people think religion, spirituality or faith is not a deal breaker? Sorry, no, how is it that people think your belief, relationships or lack of belief or relationships in YAH(GOD) is not a deal breaker for intimate relationships. For me GOD is so intimately a part of […]

Pointless Interest

· Feb 26, 2023 I don’t know whether to cry or laugh right now . I’ll just scream with passion and excitement because I see someone express themselves so effectively, yet with such eloquence and refinement. I literally cannot contain myself. I don’t even have the words. All I know is I need to go […]