Don’t Change, Just Stay The Same

Feb 8, 2023

The notion that we shouldn’t change is quiet ludacris.

If we do not change that means we don’t grow.

If we don’t grow we die. It is not a physical death but a death from within. A death of the soul

Whether you try to change or you don’t, life will change you by force. You will either become stagnant and eventually wither and rot like a dying caterpillar who never became that butterfly. Or, you can embrace the change and force yourself to push through that cocoon and emerge as a beautiful, radiant, free butterfly.

I used to think people were right when they said don’t change. I assume what they meant by that is stay true to yourself. What I have to say to that is again NO! I will not stay true to myself if it is hindering me from growing.

I believe at times I haven’t even seen the extent of my true self. I and some around me have only seen me as that caterpillar struggling in their cocoon. So yes I am going to change because parts of me must die to reach my full potential.

The cocoon was definitely my safety blanket but it also enables the spirit of fear and rebellion. The cocoon is also my battle ground of internal warfare to come out victorious like the free, radiant, beautiful butterfly.

In the end it is not that I have changed, it is that I have now become who I was always meant to be. The beautiful, radiant, free butterfly.

Do you think we should stay the same or do we have to change to grow? comment down below. I would love to read them.


YAH Bless



A space for joy and encouragement


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