Its Okay to Be Quiet

It is okay to be still. It is okay to be quiet. It’s okay to just sit with your thoughts. It is okay if you don’t know how to gather your thoughts and come up with something that makes sense.

I have to tell myself, being quiet and just sitting with my thoughts is more beneficial than saying something.

Sometimes the internal or external pressure is there to just say something to relieve the awkward silence, but the best thing I can do is just be still, be quiet, and sit with my thoughts.

The best thing I can do is say I have to sit with this for a while. I have to gather by thoughts. I’ll think about it. After all it’s true, that’s why I’m sitting there quietly. I’m just gathering my thoughts ( for a while, or longer than expected) and it’s okay.

I have to tell myself it is okay. Better to speak from understanding than confusion. Better to speak from peace than anger. It is okay to be still, be quiet, and just gather my thoughts.

If you can relate Comment below and let me know! Looking forward to reading them! 🙂


YAH Bless



A space for Joy and Encouragement


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