Tag: Holistic living

Shhh Heart Check

I felt my heart racing and a pit in my stomach after some casual conversations with someone in my circle. I immediately realized the importance of wisdom, discernment and keeping my mouth shut. I realized I’m not as modest or pure in heart as I would like to be. Therefore I started to ponder on […]

The Journey Continues Raydiant Lady

· Oct 27, 2023 I can’t believe it’s been a year since I started my journey as Raydiant Lady. It was in this season that I was experiencing so much internal warfare and trying to figure out my purpose while feeling free to be authentically myself. It was in this season where I started writing […]

Preserve Yourself

Feb 1, 2024 I herd a lady say preserve yourself as she spoke to other young ladies on her platform. I love what she said and as I pondered upon the phrase, I was led to write this. Preserve yourself, it is highly important . Preserve your mind which are your thoughts .Preserve your heart which are […]

Unexpected Goals

· Feb 23, 2023 I have had a journal for as long as I can remember. I didn’t really know what to write or share today, but as I pick up my journal and go back down memory lane, it’s nice to see that some of the things I wrote a year or more ago […]

Modern Culture

· Feb 20, 2023 I love my culture. Actually at times some of the traditions are a bit annoying or I end up disagree with things. Still I love my culture. I love how we care about family and community. I love how we are taught to be selfless and help out whenever we can. […]

Back To My Roots

Aug 2, 2023 I have always loved nature and most things natural. There is a beauty about it that makes me alive and joyful. Nature has a contentment that brings healing to our souls and bodies. Not to mention it brings forth comfort from the elements, peace from society, and healing from the beautiful, but […]


Dec 2, 2023 You don’t want happinessYou want peace You don’t want happinessYou need joy You don’t want happinessYou want contentment You don’t want happinessYou need healing You don’t want happinessYou want comfort. Therefore you cannot look to someone to make you happy. You have to look to the Creator of your soul and even […]

Like A Diamond Like A Pearl

Dec 23, 2023 If you want something to stay preciousYou must hide it , okay not hide it but value it and protect it. Something precious like a diamond or a pearl is covered and protected in a particular way. This includes our souls. Maybe it would help humanity if we treated ourselves and others like […]

Doors Of Opportunity

· Dec 31, 2023 As I enter new doors of opportunities I learn to boldly walk through in obedience and faith. I learn each door I walk through comes with much healing bring me peace and contentment as I close the old doors behind me. This is an exciting curious time but it come with […]

Beautiful Soul

Feb 10, 2023 You’re a beautiful soul, too bad the world only sees the outer You’re a beautiful soul, too bad you don’t fit the beauty standards You’re a beautiful soul, too bad you don’t have the accolades to show You’re a beautiful soul, too bad you don’t have the wealth You’re a beautiful soul […]