Tag: Natural beauty

Beautiful Butterfly

I know I want to walk in peace, joy, love, and encouragement; so I must first be at peace with myself when it comes to all the confusion, pain, anger and false perceptions. That is what ripping of the mask really looks like, which is the first step. It’s being honest with myself. This is […]

Back To My Roots

Aug 2, 2023 I have always loved nature and most things natural. There is a beauty about it that makes me alive and joyful. Nature has a contentment that brings healing to our souls and bodies. Not to mention it brings forth comfort from the elements, peace from society, and healing from the beautiful, but […]

WHY I Decided To Start A BLOG?

Hello, I’m Miranda! I’m super passionate, in love with GOD, nature and all its beauty! Also the creator of this blog (Lady is my nickname since childhood) I never knew what I wanted to do growing up, just what kind of life I wanted to live — Close to nature, self-sufficient. Radiantly glowing from within while bringing joy […]