Tag: poem

The Journey Continues Raydiant Lady

· Oct 27, 2023 I can’t believe it’s been a year since I started my journey as Raydiant Lady. It was in this season that I was experiencing so much internal warfare and trying to figure out my purpose while feeling free to be authentically myself. It was in this season where I started writing […]

Preserve Yourself

Feb 1, 2024 I herd a lady say preserve yourself as she spoke to other young ladies on her platform. I love what she said and as I pondered upon the phrase, I was led to write this. Preserve yourself, it is highly important . Preserve your mind which are your thoughts .Preserve your heart which are […]

The Fight Of Good And Evil

Apr 3, 2024 The voice of good, holy, pure and true The voice of evil, wicked, filthy and deceiving Your voice only wants to please your nature But you are the tie breaker between the two voices Work on aligning your voice, your thoughts your heart with all things holy, pure and true so the […]

Slow & Steady

Aug 31, 2023 “Slow and steady wins the race” I first heard this quote from the book The Tortoise and the Hare. As I look back on my life I can really relate to this quote because my life seems to be slow indeed. I say this as it pertains to the progress of my […]

Beautiful Butterfly

I know I want to walk in peace, joy, love, and encouragement; so I must first be at peace with myself when it comes to all the confusion, pain, anger and false perceptions. That is what ripping of the mask really looks like, which is the first step. It’s being honest with myself. This is […]

Rainy Days

I woke up to a cold, gray, rainy day. It’s been like that in the afternoon It’s been like that in the evening. Days like these are so calming and cozy The type, where you just want to stay in bed all day Stay in bed and work online Stay in bed and read a […]