Tag: Self-sufficiency


Feb 21, 2023 The knowledge of the state of the world today is quite shameful. It honestly behooves me ( haha no I just wanted to use that word) No but in all seriousness it is surprising how ignorant people are. It surprises me how they are more knowledgeable about ideas that are lies. Things […]

Too Emotional Too Vulnerable

Feb 22, 2023 It is not about why the conversation is being had. It’s not even about what the conversation is about. It is about the fact that I was trying to speak, to tell the story and express myself . Whether I said something you didn’t agree with, or you said something I didn’t […]

No Rest

· Feb 18, 2023 I didn’t get to rest today, not physically, not mentally and not emotionally. I didn’t get to rest today, but I guess being a blessing to someone is more important sometimes. I didn’t get to rest today, but I got to appreciate the beautiful sun and its warmth. I go to […]

I don’t know what to ask

Feb 3, 2023 Sometimes I just don’t know what to do. Sometimes I just don’t know how to ask for help. Sometimes I just don’t know what I need. Sometimes I want to run away from miscommunication. I get so mad at myself or just feel overwhelmed but honestly this is all good. Miscommunication is […]

Don’t Change, Just Stay The Same

Feb 8, 2023 The notion that we shouldn’t change is quiet ludacris. If we do not change that means we don’t grow. If we don’t grow we die. It is not a physical death but a death from within. A death of the soul Whether you try to change or you don’t, life will change […]

Underrated Jael

Today I listened to a portion of scripture about one of my favorite underrated women in the Bible. I feel like most people don’t even know she is in the Bible, as a woman used by YAH(GOD) to destroy the enemy. To me she has qualities of an inspiring woman. The fear of and obedience […]

Be The Bigger Person Understand

· Feb 2, 2023 Breathing out Hmmm WOW ! I am not being heard ! I’m not being understood ! It is easy to feel like this. This person has a problem ! But really, what if I am the one with the problem. Wait, not a problem but there is definitely an obstacle somewhere. When […]

Where Is Home

Some people say home is where the heart is Some people say home is where family is . I say Home is where I feel welcomed Home is where I feel safe Home is where I feel expressive Home is where I feel comfort Home is where I shine Home is where I grow Home […]

WHY I Decided To Start A BLOG?

Hello, I’m Miranda! I’m super passionate, in love with GOD, nature and all its beauty! Also the creator of this blog (Lady is my nickname since childhood) I never knew what I wanted to do growing up, just what kind of life I wanted to live — Close to nature, self-sufficient. Radiantly glowing from within while bringing joy […]