Tag: The Most High YAH

That’s Not Who You Are

Who are you? Is that really you, well the patterns of your life are showing that it really is you. Really though that’s not who you are . You just believed a bunch of lies and affirmed them. Really though that’s not who you are. You just carried around your pain like a blanket. You […]

Preserve Yourself

Feb 1, 2024 I herd a lady say preserve yourself as she spoke to other young ladies on her platform. I love what she said and as I pondered upon the phrase, I was led to write this. Preserve yourself, it is highly important . Preserve your mind which are your thoughts .Preserve your heart which are […]

The Fight Of Good And Evil

Apr 3, 2024 The voice of good, holy, pure and true The voice of evil, wicked, filthy and deceiving Your voice only wants to please your nature But you are the tie breaker between the two voices Work on aligning your voice, your thoughts your heart with all things holy, pure and true so the […]

Acting Out Feelings

· Sep 7, 2023 Your feelings are not the issue.The actions caused by your feelings are the issue . You can be sad.You can be angry!Just be careful not to lash out, have an attitude or speak in a disrespectful tone. You can be irritated .You can be frustrated !Just mind your temper. Remain calm, gentle and self controlled even if […]

Living A Lie

We often say, this person changed, but did they really? Perhaps they were bottling up who they really were. Perhaps their environment made them feel they had to mask their true self. Perhaps they just couldn’t fully express themselves because they didn’t want to be the black sheep. We can blame the environment for being […]


Dec 2, 2023 You don’t want happinessYou want peace You don’t want happinessYou need joy You don’t want happinessYou want contentment You don’t want happinessYou need healing You don’t want happinessYou want comfort. Therefore you cannot look to someone to make you happy. You have to look to the Creator of your soul and even […]

Tired Of War

Nov 17, 2023 I’m truly tired of all the wars I’m tired of the gender wars I’m tired of the ethnic wars I’m tired of the religious wars I’m just tired of humanity’s desire to choose hate and wickedness I often wonder and ask what is the solution and most people can’t answer, instead they […]

Be Truthful To Yourself

Be truthful to yourself Know the consequences of your actions And accept full responsibility of your choices Comment below and let me know your thoughts. If you would like to support me you can also check out my store. Shalom YAH Bless Miranda 🕊💖 @RaydiantLady P.S. Don’t forget to JOIN MY NEWSLETTER to get my latest blog post […]

Her Life Inspired Me

· Dec 16, 2023 Her death really makes me think about my life. I’m still processing my thoughts. Sadly it’s not so much the person who passed but who they represent. It’s who she was on EarthIt’s who others saw her as I wonder if she made the impact she wanted to , or the impact […]