Tag: The Most High YAH

Like A Diamond Like A Pearl

Dec 23, 2023 If you want something to stay preciousYou must hide it , okay not hide it but value it and protect it. Something precious like a diamond or a pearl is covered and protected in a particular way. This includes our souls. Maybe it would help humanity if we treated ourselves and others like […]

No Rest

· Feb 18, 2023 I didn’t get to rest today, not physically, not mentally and not emotionally. I didn’t get to rest today, but I guess being a blessing to someone is more important sometimes. I didn’t get to rest today, but I got to appreciate the beautiful sun and its warmth. I go to […]

Am I done Blogging ?

Feb 28, 2023 It’s the final day of the blogging challenge for February and although I’m a bit relieved I’m also a bit sad. It has taken me by surprise how much I have enjoyed this challenge . Maybe I enjoyed it because I had something to look forward to each day. Maybe I enjoyed it […]

Deal Breaker

· Feb 27, 2023 Why is it that people think religion, spirituality or faith is not a deal breaker? Sorry, no, how is it that people think your belief, relationships or lack of belief or relationships in YAH(GOD) is not a deal breaker for intimate relationships. For me GOD is so intimately a part of […]

Sit Still

Feb 25, 2023 I’m grateful so grateful It’s when I decide to sit still that I realize I’m grateful. All the hustle and bustle of the week, even social media takes away from being present and grateful. Grateful for health Grateful for peace Grateful for a full belly Gratefully for protection Grateful for nature Grateful […]


· Feb 14, 2023 The love you show me is truly incomprehensible The love you show me pierces my soul, it goes deep within causing me to change The love you show me gives me rest, the peace I have always wanted The love you show me comforts me , it begins to heal all […]

Its Okay to Be Quiet

It is okay to be still. It is okay to be quiet. It’s okay to just sit with your thoughts. It is okay if you don’t know how to gather your thoughts and come up with something that makes sense. I have to tell myself, being quiet and just sitting with my thoughts is more […]

Where Is Home

Some people say home is where the heart is Some people say home is where family is . I say Home is where I feel welcomed Home is where I feel safe Home is where I feel expressive Home is where I feel comfort Home is where I shine Home is where I grow Home […]