Tag: transformation

Turning Hate to Love

I used to fear you so I hated you! I feared where you came from so I hated your customs! I hated the way you spoke and I hated your mannerisms! I hated your attire and I hated your aroma! I hated your voice and I wanted nothing to do with you! Yet deep inside […]

Slow & Steady

Aug 31, 2023 “Slow and steady wins the race” I first heard this quote from the book The Tortoise and the Hare. As I look back on my life I can really relate to this quote because my life seems to be slow indeed. I say this as it pertains to the progress of my […]

Beautiful Butterfly

I know I want to walk in peace, joy, love, and encouragement; so I must first be at peace with myself when it comes to all the confusion, pain, anger and false perceptions. That is what ripping of the mask really looks like, which is the first step. It’s being honest with myself. This is […]


Feb 12, 2023 Words may be powerful But actions are more powerful Words may inspire But actions transform Words may comfort But actions heal Words crumble if actions don’t follow. They lose the ability to bring forth change if actions don’t follow. Words are powerful, Words inspire, words comfort but let’s take action so there can […]