Underrated Jael

Today I listened to a portion of scripture about one of my favorite underrated women in the Bible.

I feel like most people don’t even know she is in the Bible, as a woman used by YAH(GOD) to destroy the enemy.

To me she has qualities of an inspiring woman. The fear of and obedience to YAH. Hospitality, wisdom, and the spirit of a courageous warrior .

This lady allowed an army general into her house and served him milk with a place to rest. But wait for it. She knew this was an ally to her husband and their people, but an enemy of YAH and HIS people. She chose YAH, and understood that the enemies of YAH are also her enemies. She destroyed this army general with a tent peg and a hammer in his sleep.

REALLY WOW so resourceful too! This woman, Jael, is even included in the Victory song .She is called blessed among women. She is glanced over I feel, because this story is really highlighting Deborah, an amazing powerful woman prophet and judge.

However it is Deborah who created this song and did not neglect Jael’s part in the song of victory.

There is really so much spiritual meat and detailed information to this Bible story I have left out, so you should definitely read it for yourself.

I’m glad I can look forward to reading it every year or whenever I want. Each time I read any part of the Bible more understanding and revelation come forth.

If you know this story found in Judges chapters 4 and 5, or decided to read it, share your thoughts on the underrated Jael? Comment down below and let me know. Looking forward to reading them.


YAH Bless



A space for Joy and Encouragement


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