Rainy Days

I woke up to a cold, gray, rainy day.

It’s been like that in the afternoon

It’s been like that in the evening.

Days like these are so calming and cozy

The type, where you just want to stay in bed all day

Stay in bed and work online

Stay in bed and read a book

Stay in bed and watch a movie

Well I couldn’t do that.

I had to go outside

I had to walk in the rain

I had to get in the car

I had to drive in the rain

Its okay cause after my work day,

I can come home and stay in bed

I can even read a book

I can even watch a movie

Most of all I can be calm and cozy

Do you enjoy cold, gray, rainy days? Comment below and let me know! I can’t wait to read them! 🙂


YAH Bless



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