You’re Really Something


Jul 26, 2023

In February I asked, if I was done blogging? I knew I was not, but sometimes I like to write in private and in time share.

I also mentioned I needed to come up with a schedule and it has been way too long. So guess what? I’m just going to post today, and every week.

Its just more important to post than come up with a schedule. I mean the schedule will come with time right? Right! I’m just going to post.

I posted daily before because I was part of a monthly challenge, but honestly I want to post not because of a challenge someone invited me to join.

I want to post as a lifestyle. A Lifestyle challenge to post at least weekly. I know it will be good for me; and whoever you are out there I know you will appreciate it too.

Because I had to be true to my word, I know if I make this promise to share every week then I have to commit to it.

After all I really enjoy writing and sharing them. I was reminded of that when yesterday I was going over my past blogs and thought WOW ….

I’m really something. I say that with all humility.

I’m glad I got out of my shell and started not only writing but sharing them.

Now, I am well aware everyone may not like the way I write or what I choose to write about and that perfectly fine.

Everyone can’t like you but the ones who are for you will appreciate and respect you. The ones who are meant to be encouraged, inspired and even seek healing from my writings will appreciate them.

For that I am truly grateful. Whoever you are that appreciate my blogs I appreciate you. Please let me know by commenting down below and sharing.

If you would like to support me you can also check out my store.


YAH Bless

Miranda 🕊💖


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