Preserve Yourself

Feb 1, 2024

I herd a lady say preserve yourself as she spoke to other young ladies on her platform. I love what she said and as I pondered upon the phrase, I was led to write this.

Preserve yourself, it is highly important .

Preserve your mind which are your thoughts .
Preserve your heart which are your emotions .
Preserve your soul which are your intimate parts.
Preserve your body which is your health .

Preserve yourself !

Preserve your skills, gifts, talents for its not meant for every position .
Preserve you honor and light for it sets you apart.

Preserve yourself !

The reason there is so much pain, resentment and unforgiveness within is because we are not preserving ourselves.

Preserve yourself, it is highly important !

Preserve yourself that is when you are able to firmly hold up your standards.

Preserve yourself that is when you are able to continually blossom with value.

When you preserve yourself The insults of others will only become meaningless.

So, preserve yourself, it is extremely important .

Are you preserving yourself ?Comment below and let me know your thoughts.

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YAH Bless

Miranda πŸ•ŠπŸ’–


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