Be The Bigger Person Understand


Feb 2, 2023

Breathing out Hmmm WOW !

I am not being heard ! I’m not being understood !

It is easy to feel like this.

This person has a problem ! But really, what if I am the one with the problem. Wait, not a problem but there is definitely an obstacle somewhere.

When I say I am the one with the problem, I mean what if I focus so much on my need to get my thoughts and emotions out that it overshadows the present issues being discussed. The real obstacle, being misunderstood.

This desire to focus on self while analyzing my thoughts and emotions will only bring greater catastrophe with not only the present issue but my inner peace and the other person.

Basically I have to learn to be “quick to listen and slow to speak” (James 1:19) .

 I have to learn to take things in and seek understanding instead of wanting the other person to hear and understand me. You know I kind of have to be “The bigger person”. In that exact moment, it has to be me. I feel the other person is also too busy trying to be understood while getting their own thoughts and emotions out.

I really do struggle with this. As I’m growing on this journey, it is being amplified to me more each day.

I always tell myself you can’t change others. You can only change yourself. That is why I ‘m saying I have to be “The bigger person ‘’.So let me take accountability and work on bettering myself.

I believe doing this will help in being heard and understood as well. In the end if I’m not heard or understood by a specific person, I can look back knowing I tried to understand them.

I can look back and say wow they needed to be understood more. This is something that will eventually help me radiate with more love.

Even peaceful in the end somehow. Peace to have more sympathy for others .

This is what I have to tell myself when I feel the need to go on and on seeking understanding.

Can you relate to this? Do you struggle with wanting to express yourself without fully understanding the other person? Comment down below. I would love to read them.


YAH Bless

Miranda 🕊️💖


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