I know I want to walk in peace, joy, love, and encouragement; so I must first be at peace with myself when it comes to all the confusion, pain, anger and false perceptions.
That is what ripping of the mask really looks like, which is the first step. It’s being honest with myself. This is something my mother has always said in the exact words “be truthful to yourself”.
Being honest with myself is not an easy journey at all. It can get really ugly. It also starts with me, myself and YAH. It is not a journey every one needs to know about nor is it a journey everyone needs to go with me on. It is almost like a rebirth.
For example one day we see a caterpillar, the next day a butterfly. No one see the struggle, test and trials going on inside of that cocoon. But one day there is a beautiful butterfly.
I believe I have been in a cocoon for a while and thought others would join me but that is not fair nor does it make sense. Expecting others to join me in that cocoon only brings forth strife, contention and no space to actually transform.
This made me miserable that I had to be alone in the cocoon. Why don’t they want to join, support, and struggle with me in that cocoon? I would think. However, they are not supposed to.
It’s funny, unless you like bugs, we usually see a caterpillar and are disgusted, but see a butterfly and admire its beauty. We never think to ask how did that butterfly become beautiful. The answer is it had to embrace the journey and transformation inside that cocoon.
The cocoon period is challenging but it has to be endured so we can beautifully walk in peace, love, joy and encourage others to go through the struggles, test, and trials in their own cocoon to become that beautiful butterfly.
Have you ever thought about how beauty comes from inward transformation through the test and trial? Comment below and let me know.
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YAH Bless
Miranda 🕊💖
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