Daily Walks are the Highlight

The highlight of my days are always my daily walks. Now that it’s cold, I only walk for half the time or sometimes none at all. But it’s always the highlight when I do go. Something I look forward to.

I love the blue clear skies

I love the sometimes white fluffy clouds

Looking up cause my Redemption draws nigh

Today is one of the days I didn’t get to go, but I still got a glimpse while running errands. I was still able to feel the sun kiss my face and breath in the cool air. Even now as I write I am starting to feel so relaxed and joyful as if I’m on a walk.

I always tell myself my walks are like my therapy sessions. I get to clear my head, think and sometimes just hear myself talk it out. They are my moments of prayer, sometimes crying out to THE MOST HIGH YAH ( (GOD ) for wisdom and understanding.

I get out all the frustrations and concerns from my day. Not to mention it’s a relaxing way to stay healthy as I get my steps in for the day.

It’s also my time to just admire the beauty of nature. I love the lush green leaves. And now I love the purple, red, orange, and yellow leaves.( because autumn is here) All the colors bring me joy. Made so beautifully by HIS hands.

So even though I didn’t go for a daily walk today, writing about it gave me a bit of joy like I did go.

Is there something you love doing that you see the beauty in, brings you joy, relaxation, and health all at the same time? Comment below and let me know! I can’t wait to read them! 🙂


YAH Bless



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