Deal Breaker


Feb 27, 2023

Why is it that people think religion, spirituality or faith is not a deal breaker? Sorry, no, how is it that people think your belief, relationships or lack of belief or relationships in YAH(GOD) is not a deal breaker for intimate relationships. For me GOD is so intimately a part of me and when it is denied then you are denying a part of me.

I understand we live in a fluid world. A world where love is more of a feeling but that’s not the case for all of us. Some of us see strong boundaries, not fluidity. Some of us honor commitment, not just feelings.

I am not against people doing what they want. What I am against is dismissing what are deal breakers for others. It may not be your deal breaker but it’s mine.

What do you think, Comment down below and let me know. Looking forward to reading them.


YAH Bless

Miranda ๐Ÿ•Š ๐Ÿ’–


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