
Our heroes are also human therefore they are terribly flawed.

We look at their gifts, talents maybe even charisma and we idolize them for it.

We put them on a pedestal and refuse to believe they have made grave mistakes.

All of a sudden their gifts, talents and charisma has over shadowed their flaws; and now here goes accountability out the door.

We shut our ears and close our eyes and and say NO I don’t want to know the truth about their humanity.

We create a perception of who we think they are, but it is false. The truth is, the gifts, talents, charisma and flaws of a person make up the totality of who they truly are.

If you want a true picture of your so called hero try accepting their flaws also.

Don’t put those flaws under a rug or you do them a disservice and make them out to be a myth.

Have you started to idolize a hero because you didn’t accept their humanity also? Comment below and let me know.

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YAH Bless

Miranda πŸ•ŠπŸ’–


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