We often say, this person changed, but did they really?
Perhaps they were bottling up who they really were.
Perhaps their environment made them feel they had to mask their true self.
Perhaps they just couldn’t fully express themselves because they didn’t want to be the black sheep.
We can blame the environment for being so harsh on people that it turns them into black sheep; however, their environment won’t change unless they learn to change.
Sometimes it is better for them to burst out the bubble and be the black sheep than continuing to hide who they are .
If they don’t burst out as the black sheep, they become a liar; a shadow behind a mask.
Most of all, they forgo living out their true purposes and being a blessing to their environment. They finally become free instead of staying in victimhood and realize they never had to be a victim and a black sheep nor did they need the mask.
They only had to be true to themselves so they could thrive.
In the end
We can’t force others to accept us.
We alone must accept ourselves, and where change needs to be made we must
humbly accept that too. We must change for character sake not environment sake. Can you relate to having to change who you are so your environment doesn’t mold you into a liar? Comment below and let me know.
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YAH Bless
Miranda 🕊💖
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