Modern Culture


Feb 20, 2023

I love my culture. Actually at times some of the traditions are a bit annoying or I end up disagree with things. Still I love my culture.

I love how we care about family and community. I love how we are taught to be selfless and help out whenever we can.

I love the flavorful food , vibrant clothing, joyous celebrations and their meanings.

To be honest I love all cultures that stand on those principles of family, community, and selflessness. Sadly as I get older I have seen my culture and others lose their rich morals and beautiful traditions.

The world is trying to be more modern, less traditional with a blended blur. There is nothing wrong with getting rid of some traditions and embracing some modern ideas, but there is no balance just a sense of, “out with the old in with the new”.

Let’s all merge and be the same. No! Our differences and uniqueness is what makes cultures so vibrant and the world more exciting.

Do you like the idea of the world becoming one big modern culture or still having different cultures and traditions? Comment below and let me know. Looking forward to reading them .


YAH Bless

Miranda 🕊 💖


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