Mourning What Cannot Be


Feb 16, 2023

In life I find that I mourn frequently. I’m not necessarily mourning only for family or friends that have passed on, but I’m mourning for the things that could have been.

I’m mourning for my dreams that died.(That’s going to change though, I will find ways to walk out my future dreams). I’m mourning for expectations that failed (Learning to make realistic expectations) .

I’m mourning for the desires I have that will never be. I guess I could try to change them, but the issue is trying to change something that isn’t in my control which I don’t fully understand is worse than not doing anything at all. I find that I’m mourning cause I can’t change the situation and have to change myself. I have to adjust myself ,(my thoughts, expectations and how the past has affected the present), so I can find peace and healing.

That’s what I mean by I have to mourn. I have to accept the things I cannot change. For me, if I can’t change it, it hurts. I have to first accept that fact, and it hurts so much. I have to be truthful to myself and say I really wanted this. (I can’t lie and say I didn’t really want that anyway). I can’t put on this tough exterior. Well I can but not with myself. I have to be real and sit with the fact that this is what I want. But I can’t change it. So I have to tell myself let’s mourn so the peace and healing can come. After that it’s okay.

Can you relate to mourning about things you can’t change so you can move on? Comment below and let me know. Looking forward to reading them.


YAH Bless

Miranda 🕊 💖


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