New Month, New Goals, New Challenges

Happy New Month. By now we should have our new year goals, resolutions and everything all figured out. Nope ! Not on my end. Well, I’m still figuring some things out. It seems to be my life always figuring things out.

I realize I don’t need new year goals and resolutions. I can have new goals and resolutions for each month. That also goes for each week and each day. With that being said, I have been challenged once again to post a blog every day. Well, the last time I did that it lasted for a week or two.

This time I really have to push through and post everyday. I got this. The sad thing is I have so many things on my mind, so many things I wish I had someone to talk about or just share but I don’t even know where to begin. My mind is literally hoarding ideas.

As I said earlier, I got this. I have a plan to share my thoughts and ideas everyday. If it doesn’t go the way I planned it is still okay. The goal for me is to push myself as a writer. To get out of my shell and see what I can muster up when I set time out daily to write. Excited but nervous cause I want to meet this goal and not fail.

I do have to remind myself that failure is when you give up. As long as I approach the next day and even the next week with a fresh start to pursue my goals that is what matters most

Okay I’m going to gather my thoughts and put them down. I think I’m going to be amazed with what comes out in this challenge. It’s a new month, do you have your goals figured out or are you participating in any challenges this month? Feel free to share them by commenting down below. I really would love to read them.


YAH Bless

Miranda 🕊 💖


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