Shhh Heart Check

I felt my heart racing and a pit in my stomach after some casual conversations with someone in my circle. I immediately realized the importance of wisdom, discernment and keeping my mouth shut. I realized I’m not as modest or pure in heart as I would like to be. Therefore I started to ponder on what modesty, purity, and health really means in this context.

There is so much focus on the physical
Are you physically modest ?
Are you physically pure ?
Are you physical healthy ?
That’s important but not the most important questions to ask. Instead we should be asking,

Do you have a modest heart ?
Do you have a pure heart ?
Is your mind, body and soul healthy ?

Modesty is not just about your appearance but behavior and expression. WHO are you sharing your thoughts and time with? What thoughts are you choosing to share? WHEN and WHERE are you sharing? Lastly WHY and HOW are you sharing them.

Purity is what you choose to meditate on and the intention behind your words and actions.

Health is what you receive into you body, your mind, your heart and how it affects your overall well-being.

Putting this into practice is challenging and takes time but it must be mastered so true Modesty, Purity, and Health can reign in our lives.

What do you think? Comment below and let me know

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YAH Bless

Miranda πŸ•ŠπŸ’–


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