Struggling To Write


Feb 5, 2023

I struggle with being inspired enough to write

I struggle with feeling like I have be inspired first

I struggle with whether I should post what I write.

I struggle with thoughts of not sharing my feelings in writing.

I struggle but all the same I’ll write.

I guess I was struggling because I thought I had to write everyday but the truth is some days I can write five pieces and other days I can only write a sentence. All the same it’s really about pushing myself. I am starting to see writing as a part of me. I always have thoughts so why not just put them on paper or better yet type those thoughts up.

I struggle to write but sometimes, I can start out writing in pieces and my mind wanders to other thoughts. I’m learning I can write that sentence down for later and expound on it later.

It is actually kind of interesting how coming back another day and seeing that one sentence I left on paper inspires me to flow in another way.

I struggle to write but maybe I don’t. I just have to find my flow. It reminds me how in my younger days I would have to write essays in school and I would sit there for hours and nothing. Then I would go for a walk and come back and BOOM, I’m sitting down for hours just writing non stop till I was done, as long as I had no interruptions.

I struggle to write but most of all I struggle with sharing my pieces with others. It is all good because this so-called struggle to write is my breakthrough. Do you struggle to share yourself with others ? Comment down below and let me know your thoughts. Looking forward to reading them.


YAH Bless




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