That’s Not Who You Are

Who are you? Is that really you, well the patterns of your life are showing that it really is you.

Really though that’s not who you are . You just believed a bunch of lies and affirmed them.

Really though that’s not who you are. You just carried around your pain like a blanket.

You are not a quitter you just trained yourself to keep rerouting when new challenges came.

You are not mediocre you just trained yourself to stop pursuing YAH’s best when compliments came.

Trained by who you ask. Trained by patterns of your trauma, hurt and insecurities.

You are not who you think you are. You have so much weight you are carrying cause you never learned to let go.

You never learned that truth and lies cannot coexist.

You never learned pain is not meant to be worn

You never learned challenges were meant to be embraced cause they make you stronger.

You never learned compliments weren’t a destination but a push towards YAH’s best.

That’s why YAH is the Potter and you are the clay you need to be remolded into your best self. Only YAH knows who you authentically are.

Let it all go. Just let it all go. Give it to HIM

Let YAH mold you.

Let go of the lies you have believed, they have clouded your judgment.

Let go of the pain you carry , it has hindered your healing.

Don’t quit or you won’t grow.

Don’t hold on to the compliments or YAH’s best will be held.

The real you has been weighed down by the trauma, pain and insecurities you carry.

The real you is inside and you must let go so you can authentically come out.

Are you ready to let the real you come out? Comment below and let me know

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YAH Bless

Miranda πŸ•ŠπŸ’–


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