Nov 17, 2023
I’m truly tired of all the wars
I’m tired of the gender wars
I’m tired of the ethnic wars
I’m tired of the religious wars
I’m just tired of humanity’s desire to choose hate and wickedness
I often wonder and ask what is the solution and most people can’t answer, instead they go back to playing the blame game and continuing to hate.
Still deep inside I know the answer. It is love after all love is the opposite of hate ; although this love is not a love of feeling. It is not a love of personal definition.
It is a love of THE CREATOR of our souls.
HE created us so HE knows perfect love.
HE places this love in us only if we allow HIM.
Sadly not all want to reflect or have more of this kind of love, because this kind of love has laws and directions most people are not willing to follow.
This kind of love requires us to die to ourself, our desires, our understanding and most of all become completely selfless and pure. Until everyone learns to do this, sadly there will always be war.
Gender wars
Ethnic wars
Religious wars.
If we truly want love we must surrender to the CREATOR of our souls who is love.
The Creator of the universe.
The Beginning and the end.
The Holy One
The Lord Almighty
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YAH Bless
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