I used to fear you so I hated you!
I feared where you came from so I hated your customs!
I hated the way you spoke and I hated your mannerisms!
I hated your attire and I hated your aroma!
I hated your voice and I wanted nothing to do with you!
Yet deep inside I felt sorry for you.
Deep inside I was interested in where you came from and how it affected your customs.
Deep down I thought your speech was different and your mannerism unique.
Deep down I actually admired your attire and smiled at your aroma
Deep down your voice seemed a bit familiar and I started to understand
You see we come from the same place yet our paths led us on different journeys.
Your path took you into perversion and false hood.
Your path took you into a lifestyle of constantly having to prove yourself.
Your path took you into the darkness masquerading as light.
I may not understand but looking into your eyes I see we came from the same place .
It hurts me from deep within so my heart cries for your freedom.
My heart cries for you to see the truth and walk into virtue.
My heart cries for you to see you don’t have to prove yourself, instead, receive true love.
My heart cries for your path to take you into the light open and bright
I may not understand but all I know is I have been given a love for you where I no longer fear you. I have been given a love for you where I no longer hate you.
I love you and I just want you to know you don’t have to stay on that path.
I love you and I just want you to know you longer have to be alone.
I love you and I just want you to know the truth.
I love you and I just want you to know that.
That’s all Comment below and let me know your thoughts. Looking forward to reading them.
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YAH Bless
Miranda 🕊💖
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