WHY I Decided To Start A BLOG?

Hello, I’m Miranda! I’m super passionate, in love with GOD, nature and all its beauty! Also the creator of this blog (Lady is my nickname since childhood)

I never knew what I wanted to do growing up, just what kind of life I wanted to live

— Close to nature, self-sufficient. Radiantly glowing from within while bringing joy and encouragement to others.

I knew I cared about people and wanted to help support them. I knew I wanted my home to be a haven filled with love, peace and hospitality. I knew I wanted to live a more holistic life.

I had always had more questions, wanted to learn, always longing for the truth. I never wanted the status quo.

I Remember in my early 20s looking at the sky and telling GOD if life is all about getting a degree, getting a job, getting married, having babies and repeating the cycle then I don’t want it! — Irony cause I always wanted to be a wife and a mother more than anything.

Looking back, I guess what I was trying to say was I want to make an impact in this world. I wanted to find peace, contentment and boldly live out my GOD given purpose no matter the consequences. As long as GOD, I now lovingly known as ABBA YAH( Father GOD) was guiding me in HIS perfect will I would be good..

Ahh but the pressures of society, insecurities, mistakes, and uncertainties made me question what I wanted and thought I should live out the status quo, causing me to always quit what I had started in pursuit of my own dreams burning inside me.

So here I am after going through life continually trying to get my life together while juggling the masks I put on. I decided to finally take my mask off and start my blog and my brand.

I have so much to offer. I’m creative, talkative but reserved, sweet as pie but bold as a warrior and still so flawed. I am always looking to learn and grow which is a great challenge but in order to bloom you must first plant the seed and nurture it to grow.

So I’m here. I am excited to see where this is going to take me. And more than anything I’m happy to have you along with me on this journey!

Can you relate to my story? Comment below and let me know! I can’t wait to read them.


YAH Bless

– Miranda


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