Will It Be Done

The question is not will YAH do it, because we know HE can and will do it!

It seems what we are really asking ourself is, but will HE do it specifically for me, and does HE even want to do it specifically for me?

Deep down we have to be honest with ourself and admit that is the voice of doubt speaking and we must shut it up with truth. We must walk in faith and obedience.

Guess what . . .

If HE doesn’t do it specifically for us then it’s not the time. If HE doesn’t do it specifically for us then there is a lesson HE wants us to learn.

If YAH does not do it for us, we should not take our eyes off of HIM.

HE will do something greater than what we desire, or HE will show us the strength HE has already given to us to keep waiting.

Believe this and we will not drown in anguish.

Believe this and we will live 

HE will give our soul rest 

Do you believe YAH will do it specifically for you? Comment below and let me know

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YAH Bless

Miranda 🕊💖


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