Writing Is My Outlet

Feb 7, 2023

Writing Is my outlet

Writing forces me to be still

Writing allows me to think through ideas

Writing allows me to express myself when I feel I can’t in conversations

You know, process and feel my emotions. This is great for someone like me who is super sensitive.

I feel writing has to be the healthier alternative to carrying too much on my shoulders or in my heart. You know, learning not to take things the wrong way or speaking from a place of hurt and misunderstanding.

My soul must have always known this because I have always had a journal and wrote mostly when I was angry, hurt, needed peace or when I wanted to record something I knew I would look back on as a reminder or pleasure.

As a passionate person who has much to express, I’m discovering I have to share my passions through writing. I mean thinking back I should have always shared my passions through writing instead of talking the heads off of people who were not as passionate or interested in the topics I was.

Honestly it was unfair to them and to me. They weren’t people who sought out to know my thoughts and feelings.

 That’s why writing has to be my outlet. I can express myself and if someone is interested they will read them. I look forward to those who read my form of an outlet and are just as interested and passionate as I am. I look forward to people who can relate to me. If you are one of those people, comment down below. I really would love to read them.


YAH Bless



A space for joy and encouragement



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