Feb 14, 2023

The love you show me is truly incomprehensible
The love you show me pierces my soul, it goes deep within causing me to change
The love you show me gives me rest, the peace I have always wanted
The love you show me comforts me , it begins to heal all the broken pieces
The love you show me reassures me, my confidence begins to grow
The love you show me excites me, I begin to blossom slowly but surely
The love you show me makes me question other relationships
The love you show me, I can never get anywhere
Yes I will trade it for riches. I will trade it for rubies . In truth YOUR love is like
riches and rubies overflowing
YOUR love protects
YOUR love corrects
YOUR love provides
YOUR love nurtures
YOUR love comforts
YOUR love heals
YOUR love redeems
YOUR love strengthens
YOUR love never fails
YOUR love is the warmth of eternal rest
Oh to be with YOU is my greatest desire
YOUR love is eternal, I can’t deny .
I love you cause YOU first loved me, YOU opened my eyes, YOU opened my heart.
So my heart is safely trusted to YOU forever my LORD YAH.
Do you know Love like that, Comment down below if you do.
YAH Bless
Miranda 🕊 💖
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